In this article, you will learn what customer journey pain points are, the different types of pain points that customers can experience, and how to identify them.

By addressing these pain points, you can improve the overall customer experience and build a loyal customer base.

So, let's dive in and explore the world of customer journey pain points together.

What Are Customer Journey Pain Points?

Customer journey pain points refer to the specific moments in a customer's experience with a company where they experience frustration, confusion, or dissatisfaction.

These pain points can occur at any stage of the customer journey, from initial research to post-purchase support, and can significantly impact customer satisfaction.

Types of Customer Journey Pain Points

1. Support Pain Points

Support pain points can significantly impact the customer experience. For instance, a frustrated customer had to wait on hold for over an hour to speak with a representative and ultimately received unhelpful guidance.

When customers encounter support pain points, it can lead to a negative perception of the entire customer journey.

This is because support agents are often the primary point of contact for customers when they encounter issues or problems. If support agents are unable to effectively address customer problems or are difficult to reach, it can undermine the entire user experience and lead to frustration.

Also Read: Customer Loyalty Analytics

To avoid support pain points, companies should prioritize efficient and effective communication channels, such as live chat and email, in addition to traditional phone support.

Additionally, companies can train their support agents to be knowledgeable and empathetic, ensuring that they have the tools and resources necessary to resolve customer issues quickly and effectively.

By addressing support pain points, companies can improve the overall customer journey and build positive relationships with their customers.

2. Productivity Pain Points

Feeling overwhelmed and bogged down by tasks that eat up your time and energy can be frustrating, but with the right tools and strategies, you can tackle productivity pain points and streamline your workflow.

To start, take a closer look at your customer journey map and identify any process pain points that are hindering your productivity. Here are some customer journey map examples you can refer to.

Some common productivity pain points include:

  • Manual data entry
  • Repetitive tasks
  • Lack of automation
  • Inefficient communication channels
  • Inadequate access to customer data

Once you've identified these pain points, work on developing solutions to streamline your workflow.

This could involve implementing automation tools, creating templates for repetitive tasks, or investing in software that allows for more efficient communication and data management.

3. Financial Pain Points

You're no stranger to the frustration of financial roadblocks, like hitting a pothole on a smooth road. Financial pain points are a common aspect of the customer journey, and addressing them is crucial to ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

To do so effectively, it's essential to understand the customer's needs and how they relate to their financial situation. Market and qualitative research can help identify these pain points and provide insights into how to address them.

Also Read: Benefits Of Customer Journey Mapping

One of the most common financial pain points for customers is the difficulty of managing their finances. This may include issues like budgeting, saving, and investing, all of which can be daunting tasks for those who are not financially literate.

Other financial pain points may include high-interest rates on loans and credit cards, unexpected fees, and insufficient access to credit.

Also Read: Retail Customer Journey

By addressing these pain points, companies can not only improve customer satisfaction but also build a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy financial partner.

4. Process Pain Points

These are the obstacles and inefficiencies that customers encounter when trying to navigate a company's internal processes. Process pain points can occur at any stage of the customer journey, from initial research to post-purchase support.

They can include confusing website navigation, lengthy wait times for customer service, and convoluted return processes.

How To Identify Customer Journey Pain Points

To identify the pain points in your customer journey, you need to study customer feedback thoroughly.

Take customer interviews to understand their experiences and pain points during the journey. Opt for journey mapping to visualize the customer journey and analyze the customer behavior.

Additionally, analyze customer support interactions to identify common pain points and improve the overall experience.

Study Customer Feedback

One effective way to gather customer feedback is through user research, such as surveys or focus groups. These methods allow businesses to ask specific questions about each point in the customer journey.

Additionally, businesses can gather feedback from their sales and customer support teams. They interact with customers on a regular basis and can provide valuable insights based on their experiences.

Take Customer Interviews

When you sit down with your clients and chat with them about their experiences, you'll gain a better understanding of their needs and preferences.

To conduct effective customer interviews, start by preparing a list of open-ended questions that encourage your customers to share their experiences and feedback openly. Be sure to actively listen to their responses, taking notes of their pain points, frustrations, and emotional reactions.

This will help you identify any recurring themes and patterns that may indicate a larger issue.

It's essential to be empathetic and understanding of their experiences, as this will help build trust and rapport with your customers.

Opt For Journey Mapping

Mapping out the full experience of a consumer can reveal insights into their emotions, needs, and behaviors, allowing businesses to make informed decisions on how to improve their overall customer experience. This is where journey mapping comes in.

Journey mapping is the process of visually representing the entire customer journey, from the moment a prospective customer becomes aware of your brand to the point where they become a loyal customer.

This process helps businesses identify pain points along the way, such as touchpoints where the customer may feel frustrated or confused.

Analyze Customer Support Interactions

When a customer reaches out to customer support, they're likely experiencing a pain point in their customer journey.

Here are a few ways to analyze customer support interactions:

  • Look for patterns: Are customers consistently calling with the same issue? This could indicate a problem with your product or service that needs to be addressed.

  • Measure response time: How long does it take for your customer support team to respond to inquiries? If response times are consistently long, it may be time to add more support staff.

  • Monitor customer satisfaction: After a customer support interaction, send a survey to measure how satisfied the customer was with the experience. This can help you identify areas for improvement.

  • Train your support team: Make sure your customer support team is well-trained and knowledgeable about your product or service. This can help them provide better support and resolve issues more quickly.

Customer Surveys

To make the most of customer surveys, it's important to ask the right questions.

Use a table to organize your survey questions into categories such as "Ease of Use," "Product Quality," and "Customer Service". Include open-ended questions to allow customers to provide more detailed feedback.

By analyzing your survey results, you can identify the areas where you need to make improvements and take action to improve your customers' experience.

Analyze Customer Churn

By analyzing customer churn, you can gain valuable insights into the areas of your business that may be causing frustration for your customers. This could include anything from poor customer service to product issues or a confusing website.

B2B customer journey touchpoints can vary from business to business, so taking the time to analyze your specific audience is key.

You’ll need good customer journey analytics to segment your customer churn cohorts - we recommend Woopra. ;)

Check Social Media

Take a moment to check social media to see what your customers are saying about your business. Social media has become a powerful tool for customers to voice their opinions, both good and bad, about their experiences with companies.

Here are five key reasons why checking social media can help you identify and address customer journey pain points:

  • It allows you to see what customers are saying about your business in real-time.
  • You can quickly spot common pain points that multiple customers are experiencing.
  • Social media gives you an opportunity to respond and address their concerns directly and publicly.
  • It informs product improvements and other changes to better serve your customers.
  • Monitoring social media allows you to address issues as they arise, rather than waiting for them to become bigger problems.

By regularly checking social media, you can identify and address customer journey pain points, ultimately improving the overall customer experience and increasing customer loyalty.

Look For Employee Insights

Now that you've checked social media, it's time to dig deeper into employee insights.

Your employees are the ones who interact with customers on a daily basis, and they can provide firsthand knowledge about the pain points that customers experience.

Sometimes things that management are oblivious of are obvious to the rank-and-file employees. So listen up!

5 Customer Journey Pain Points That Every Business May Face

Common pain points often include a lack of responsiveness, poor product and service quality, personal disconnection, complex buying process, and inadequate customer support.

Lack Of Responsiveness

When visiting a website, if it takes too long to load or the links are unresponsive, it can create a frustrating experience for the customer. This lack of responsiveness is a common customer journey pain point that can lead to a high bounce rate and lost revenue for the company.

Customers want a seamless experience when interacting with a website, but when they face broken or slow webpages, they quickly lose interest and move on to a competitor's website.

To avoid this issue, make sure your website is optimized for speed and functionality. Here are three ways to improve the page loading speed of your website:

  1. Optimize images and videos for faster load times
  2. Implement a caching system to reduce server response times
  3. Use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute content across multiple servers and improve load times for customers in different locations.

Poor Product & Service Quality

Customers expect businesses to provide high-quality products and services, and when they fail to meet these expectations, customers become dissatisfied.

Poor product quality results in product returns, negative reviews, and decreased trust in the brand. Similarly, poor service quality leads to frustrated customers, negative word-of-mouth, and ultimately, lost revenue.

On the back end, businesses may have to invest significant resources in addressing quality issues, such as product recalls or service retraining. That’s why prioritizing product and service quality is essential.

Poor Customer Support

Nothing frustrates customers more than receiving inadequate support when they're in need. As a customer, you expect to receive top-notch service when you reach out to a company for assistance.

This pain point can be attributed to a lack of training for sales reps and customer service representatives, an absence of clear communication channels, and an unwillingness to prioritize customer needs.

When customers encounter issues or have questions about a product or service, they want to be able to reach out to a company and receive timely and effective support.

However, poor customer support can leave customers feeling undervalued, frustrated, and dissatisfied. This negative experience can then lead to a loss of trust and loyalty, which can ultimately impact a business's bottom line.

Lack of Personal Touch or Human Connection

If you're on a customer journey, you expect a certain level of human connection or personal touch from the company you're interacting with. Unfortunately, the lack of this can be one of the most frustrating pain points for customers.

Being treated like just another number or transaction can make you feel undervalued and unimportant. This lack of personal touch can manifest in different ways, such as generic automated responses or uninterested support agents.

When you feel like the company you're interacting with doesn't care about you as an individual, it can be difficult to build trust and loyalty towards them. As a customer, you want to feel like you matter to the company and that they're invested in your success.

A lack of human connection can leave you feeling disappointed and disengaged, ultimately leading to a lost opportunity for the company to build a long-lasting relationship with you.

Complex Buying Process

It's common to feel overwhelmed when faced with a long and complicated buying journey. You may be bombarded with too much information or encounter confusing terms and procedures. All these can create pain points that can hinder you from completing the purchasing process.

As a customer, you want to feel empowered and informed when making a purchase. Providing a simplified and streamlined buying journey can make your experience more enjoyable and less stressful.

By breaking down the process into smaller steps and explaining each one clearly, you can feel confident in your purchase and avoid any confusion or frustration.


So, you've now learned about customer journey pain points and their impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. You've also gained insights into the types of pain points that customers may encounter and how to identify them.

But what's next? Well, the next step is to take action. Don't let your customers suffer through frustrating experiences that can damage your business's reputation and bottom line. Use the information you've learned to identify and address the pain points in your customers' journey.

By providing a seamless and positive experience, you'll not only retain loyal customers, but also attract new ones. So, go ahead and take that step - your customers will thank you for it!