Salesforce is the gold standard these days when it comes to customer relationship management. Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or even support, knowing who your customers are and how they interact with your team can be invaluable to the success of your business.

It is equally important to understand how your customers are interacting with your product. A tool such as Google Analytics is often used to track this data. However, there are some significant limitations with GA regarding marrying CRM data with site interaction data.

Limitations of Using Google Analytics With Salesforce

Google Analytics has firm Personally Identifiable Information (PII) policies that limit identifying users. Meaning, you cannot add any identifiable information to users tracked in GA, such as names, emails, companies, etc.

They also do not focus on individual users but break down their analytics by device and browser types. This form of tracking limits the ability to tie CRM data to user behavior.

You wouldn’t build a house without the complete blueprints, and you shouldn’t make critical business decisions without understanding the entire end-to-end user journey on your site.

This type of analysis would require an alternative analytics tool such as Woopra. Focusing on individual users, each profile in Woopra can contain Salesforce data in addition to their behavior on your site.

Since Woopra has a direct Salesforce integration, importing your CRM data is simple. And not only can you import data from Salesforce to Woopra, but this data sharing is also a two-way street. You can easily update leads and opportunities based on user behavior on your site.

Being able to see a holistic view of your user’s behaviors and Salesforce data all in one place can give you the insight to boost sales that you may otherwise have missed out on.

For example, Woopra can make it easy for your sales team to understand your customers’ needs. By linking to various Woopra reports in Salesforce, your sales team could easily see what product features your customers are interacting with the most.

This additional insight into your user’s behaviors can give your team the edge they need to close deals.

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